
Hi everyone, starting today I’m reducing the price of The Heritage Cookbook from $14.99 to $9.99 — consider this my early Black Friday gift to you. This will be the new price point from here on out, so don’t worry about this discount expiring. This price reduction applies to all three electronic versions of the book: PDF, Kindle, and Apple Books formats should all now reflect the new price point.

I’ve also made some adjustments to each format — the PDF version is now an exact copy of the limited edition print version that I shipped last month, and all versions also sport the watercolor painting cover you see above.

If you’re having trouble deciding which format to buy, consider where you’re going to use the book. If you plan on using it on your home computer, the PDF is definitely the version to get (this version can also be ported to your phone or tablet if you’re tech savvy). If you primarily use Kindle or Apple Books to read your eBooks, then I would get one of those formats. The Kindle version has adaptive text, so you can adjust the text size on the fly; the formatting isn’t very pretty but it’s a very useful feature. The PDF and Apple Books formats are fixed, which means they reflect my intended page layouts.

Here is a link to the eBook’s landing page, where you can read more about it (and gaze at some tantalizing photos). Or you can use the buttons below if you want to just buy the darn thing already. Let me know if you have any questions, and happy reading!

also available on:

Happy Friday everyone! I just wanted to send along a quick note to let you know that I’ve released a new, 2017 edition of my eBook, The Safe Starch Cookbook.

In this update, I’ve added 27 new recipes to the eBook, 42% more content than the previous version. I’ve also updated the cover, graphics, and some of the recipe formatting. The Safe Starch Cookbook now contains 221 pages. Here’s a short list of what you’ll find inside the book:

  • 91 recipes (24 rice, 28 potato, 15 noodle, and 24 other starch dishes)
  • a picture for every recipe, taken by yours truly
  • comprehensive recipe index with thumbnail hyperlinks to each page
  • a look at portion sizes and meal timing for optimum health
  • tips to save money using starches (nearly $1,000/year per person!)
  • a breakdown of meal-planning in the context of carbs
  • a thorough substitution guide for common food allergies
  • all recipes are gluten-free and developed using a whole-food mindset
  • my argument for why white rice should be considered “Paleo”
  • rice-buying guide to avoid arsenic and other toxins
  • 221 pages total

For more info, please check out The Safe Starch Cookbook‘s main page. Happy cooking!

As many of you may know, I’m a regular contributor to the Paleo Magazine Radio podcast, hosted by my friend Tony Federico (author of Paleo Grilling). About a year ago, Tony and I were discussing future collaborations, and in a fit of inspiration, we started tinkering with a new project — which is making its debut today.

Deep Dish combines our collective interests — in recipe development, historical research, and radio broadcasting — to create something truly unique. We decided to make a deep dive into one single meal, researching its entire history and recipe-testing it to perfection, then sharing that story. Instead of a cookbook with many recipes (where you honestly may only cook a few of the recipes), we wanted to focus the project on one delicious dinner – no more, no less. Once we had completed the recipe development, we got together to record four radio shows highlighting the dishes, their history, cultural significance, and our experience with the project.

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UPDATE: This eBook is now available, check it out!

Hi everyone, hope you’re having a great holiday! We decided at the last minute to spend our Christmas at Disney World (one of the perks of relocating to Florida). I’m in a giving mood, and so I wanted to share some news with you folks: I’m proud to announce that I am releasing a new eBook soon, called The Safe Starch Cookbook.

Along with compiling over 60 of my favorite carb-centered recipes, I used the eBook as an opportunity to put together all of my thoughts concerning this grossly misunderstood macronutrient. I discuss the historical precedence for starch consumption, the cost-effectiveness of mindfully incorporating starches into your diet, and some ideas concerning portion sizes and food timing. Not just a big carb-fest, I designed The Safe Starch Cookbook to teach you about the judicious use of starch to increase meal satisfaction and balance macronutrients to overcome cravings.

The recipes are divided into four main categories: rice, potatoes, noodles, and other starches (starch flours and starchy vegetables). The eBook is an interactive PDF, and will work on any PC, tablet, or smart phone. I wrote and designed the whole book from scratch, and I’m really proud of it; to get an idea of the design, here is a sample recipe for Bangers and Kale Mash.

The Safe Starch Cookbook will be released through this site on February 1st, but it is available right now as part of a really cool package called The Family Resolution Revolution Bundle.

This bundle features a ton of resources to help your family kickstart their health, including cookbooks, meal plans, eGuides, and annual digital subscriptions to Paleo Magazine and Paleo Living Magazine. It also comes with over $200 in discounts for Paleo-friendly products, too. All told, the $39 bundle comes with more than $1,000 worth of content. If you’re looking to grab some great resources for the New Year (and get early access to The Safe Starch Cookbook), this is a great way to do it. The Family Resolution Revolution Bundle only runs until January 4th, so be sure to check it out!

Please note that by clicking on the above link I receive a commission of the bundle sale.

I have another project in the works, but I’m not quite ready to share it yet – but soon! For now, let me know what you think of The Safe Starch Cookbook, and enjoy this time with family and friends.