Review (and a Giveaway): Nom Nom Paleo – Food for Humans

Update: Congratulations to Christopher S., who won the giveaway!

A while back, I made the decision that I wasn’t going write single book reviews, and instead write book review roundups (check out my Summer and Fall roundups). But then I had a look at Nom Nom Paleo: Food for Humans, which came out on Tuesday. Here’s the deal: it’s so good that writing anything other than a single book review doesn’t do this piece of art justice. Don’t even read this review, just go buy the book. Not convinced? Well, then keep reading.

The book features over 100 recipes, half of which aren’t on their website or iPad app. It’s teeming with humor and love from Michelle, beautifully illustrated by Henry, and tailored for those who appreciate good food but don’t appreciate extended cooking times. The book focuses on fresh ingredients and simple preparations, but with surprising variety and depth of flavor. Some of the recipes are fairly challenging, but Michelle walks you through each step with ease. We’ve been cooking some of these recipes for years now and they never disappoint. This book is a best-of collection.

One of my favorite parts about this book is that it’s super light on desserts, and has only one (count it, one!) baked treat. It’s chock-full of vegetable and seafood recipes, both of which are woefully underrepresented in the Paleo community. Beyond the recipes, the book is a heartwarming tale of a family that seems incapable of doing anything but be creative and have fun, with little illustrations and jokes spread throughout the whole thing.

Nom Nom Paleo: Food for Humans is out in all major bookstores in hardcover, and on Kindle, iBooks, and Google Play. They’re also offering a 50-page preview of the book here if you’re interested. Seriously, get it.

I’m so convinced that you’ll love this book that I’m going to buy a copy of the book and ship it to one of you. Just leave a comment on the bottom this post and I’ll send it to the winner via Amazon. I’ll pick the winner Friday, December 20th 2013, at 11:59pm (EST) and email the winner immediately thereafter. With any luck, you’ll get it before Christmas! Giveaway limited to US and Canadian residents (I’m not made of money!).

204 thoughts on “Review (and a Giveaway): Nom Nom Paleo – Food for Humans

  1. I have not doubt it’s awesome her site was the first one I went to when I decided to go paleo…..mostly because I like the recipes and then I found out the family were Bay Area locals which meant I could easily find the ingredients used.


  2. I want this book so much! It looks amazing. Especially for more ideas of what to do with vegetables…I always feel so bad when I can’t figure out what to do with them and they end up going bad.


  3. How interesting to find this giveaway. My son bought the book for his wife, so I was just looking at some of the recipes online and copied a couple to try. And here you are giving away a copy to a lucky commenter!

    Okay, I would LOVE to be entered in the contest. I’ve been Primal/Paleo just over a year since reading Mark Sisson’s Primal Blueprint and now am on a hunt for the best paleo recipes I can find.


  4. Dear Russ,

    Many thanks for being generous. I am tickled when I get your emails, and would be so happy to be gifted NomNom!
    It would be just right: I would appreciate it very much, esp as you describe it: lots of seafood, little nut flour baking.
    that would be helpful

    I am so glad you’re health has improved so very much too.

    thank you,



  5. I just added this book to my Amazon wish list yesterday! Your positive review now makes it a certainty….though I do hope I win!!! Merry Christmas!


  6. I pre-ordered her book as soon as she posted it in her blog… received it 2 days ago and haven’t been able to put it down. Love Michelle’s snarky humor and the cook book is beautiful! I’ve already used many of her recipes from the iPad app and can’t wait to try some of the new ones from the cookbook. I have someone in mind that I would love to give a copy of the book to, so count me in!


  7. Had not heard of this cookbook previously, but I cannot bear to delete any of your blog posts when they arrive in my inbox. So glad I clicked!

    The photos look divine.


  8. I put this book on my Christmas list, but I already know I didn’t get it. Haha. I’ll just have to buy it if I don’t win it! :)


  9. Nom Nom is such a great blog that her cookbook must be just as good. If I don’t win I’ll buy one anyway! Or I’ll buy one and give one to a friend who really needs to go primal/paleo! Been working on him for awhile he’s given up corn chips but can’t get him to go all the way.


  10. It is wonderful to actually TASTE food again! NomNomPaleo is one of my favorite web sites and the recipes are terrific. She sure knows how to combine flavors for their umami taste. Makes cooking a joy again!


  11. I’ve been adding to my Paleo cookbooks, including pre-ordering yours. Would love to have this one as well. I use the app. -Brian


  12. Me want Nom Nom!! Sounding rather caveman there aren’t I? Seriously Russ, I’d love her cookbook and I’m feeling lucky so I’ rolling the dice here rather than putting it on my Christmas list! Glad you’re digging it. Yours and hers are long-awaited right here in the Casa Cobb!


  13. Have really enjoyed your blog. Have made several of your recipes.
    Am enjoying learning about Paleo and think this cookbook would
    help. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.


  14. This book looks awesome!! I do like the idea of a paleo book with fewer dessert/treats because it’s SO EASY to find those online and honestly I am way toooooo lazy to make about 99% of those treats. Thanks for the giveaway!


  15. Sounds like a perfect match for me….I rarely eat sweets and love healthy food! Hope you have a happy and joyous holiday season! :)


  16. Love Nom Nom Paleo! She was the first blog I found when I started eating Paleo and she introduced me to your blog :) Thanks for the opportunity.


  17. Russ, I would just about give vital organs for a copy of this book! I’ve been an avid follower of Michelle and her Nom Nom family’s escapades ever since I went paleo a year ago. Please… and thank you!!


  18. I can’t wait to see this book! It looks soooo yummy! (Plus, there are a lot of books out there with way too many desserts…so if there’s less, it’s a big plus for me!) And, yay, for once, a giveaway open to Canadian residents :-P


  19. You got me at crab louie. Got me to think about San Francisco in the early 60’s and every restaurant had it on their menu. Love a cookbook with lots of pictures and instructions, this looks like a beautiful book. P.S. I love your recipes, keep them coming.


  20. Wow, this book looks like a huge help! I often get confused about how to do paleo as a newbie; seems like this would be perfect! Thanks for writing a review :)


  21. I leafed through this cookbook at Whole Foods and was so-oo-o impressed…I really want it and I love your recipes….


  22. Wow that’s so exciting! Paleo options are so wholesome and beautiful and really simple. It’s so great to have people out there diving in to give this wonderful way of life more beauty and diversity. Thank you to paleo authors.


  23. downloaded the preview for this book and LOVE the layout. i’ve yet to try the recipes, but i’m sure they are amazing. i hope to win this, but if not, i’m definitely going to buy the book after christmas!


  24. I just started this new lifestyle with my wife and I have cooked a few things from her blog and from yours and a few others. Thanks for having a site open where I and others can learn. Much appreciated.


  25. This sounds like a great book if it focuses on
    short cooking times plus seafood & veg. I’m always looking for these kinds of recipes. BUT I don’t eat sweet potato and it seems like 75% of all paleo recipes involve sweet potato. Is this a sweet potato-heavy tome?


  26. I love the Nom Nom Paleo site and the iPad app. This cookbook would be amazing to add to the collection! It’s nice to see a paleo cookbook that isn’t loaded with desserts.


  27. I love Michelle’s blog. Like this blog, the recipes are adventurous (for me) yet simple and easy to make. Good food and good for you. I’d love to win this.


  28. I wonder if she’ll do a Nom Nom 2 just like there is now a 2nd Well Fed book. This book seems to be of that tier of quality. I just wish Paleo books would add more dairy especially milk and cheese =)


  29. YES YES YES!!!!! I just started the Paleo Lifestyle and am never going back! I already notice a difference in every way possible and the hourglass figure is coming back haha!!! Not to mention, I actually get deep sleep now! Just happened upon your website. Your soups are the biznessss! :)


  30. oh man a cookbook big on veggies and meat dishes – that’s just what our family needs. hopefully you ship to APO-AE addresses (military overseas) – it will cost you the same. Merry Christmas to you!


  31. Talk about nom noms in yo’ tum tums! This Paleo thing’s gettin’ to be pleasin’… the proof of it’s in book like these, not to mention blogs like yours. My lips get to smacking… getting healthy should involve taste reward. Us simpletons need simple guidance. Tell us like we’re four years old and we’ll lay out some fine platters of delicious food. Thank you, sweet recipe thinkers.


  32. I’m traveling all the way from Minnesota to Seattle in January just to see Michelle in person and get her signature! I’d love to weight her down with books to sign!


  33. Ironically, I was just looking at Nom Nom Paleo on Amazon earlier and wishing for a copy for Christmas until I stumbled upon your blog. I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts.


  34. What a great cookbook. Her blog is fantastic and yes fish and veggie recipes are too often over looked. Thanks for giveaway!


  35. Wow! This has been quite the week….First you have the Cobb Salad recipe with Green Goddess dressing (very old fav!) and now CRAB LOUIE!!!!! Yes, I am a big salad freak! And I don’t have a Crab Louie recipe.! Thanks as always for your wonderful blog. Still waiting with baited breath for the book! Happy Holidays!


  36. I want this book so badly! I’ve tried to hint to my sweetie, but he isn’t getting the clue. My kids are ignoring it too, lol. If you pick me, you will have my everlasting gratitude. I will even name my next-born after you….. my next chicken, that is. High praise, I promise. We love our chickens dearly, and put a lot of thought into their names!!!


  37. I would so love to win this! I follow your blog and Facebook posts and have learned a great deal by doing so. I think this book would help me even further in my quest for a healthier me!


  38. So I already ordered the book but I LOVE LOVE LOVE Michelle! Just had to say! Love you Domestic Man but Nom Nom is my first love……


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